Statement From the UNA-GM Board of Directors Calling for an Immediate and Full Restoration of UNRWA
March 15th, 2024
The United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee Board of Directors calls for an immediate and full restoration of US government funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in order to minimize the imminent threat of starvation and the lack of medicine and clean water, further endangering some two million Palestinians in Gaza.
The members of the United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee Board of Directors are devastated by the war occurring between Israel and Hamas.
The United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee is committed to upholding the values and principles of the United Nations and the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) including peace and the preservation of human rights for all.
The UN is sounding the alarm: an impending famine and health crisis looms over Gaza. Without funding and diplomatic efforts, essential aid cannot be delivered to Gaza. Urge Congress to restore funding to UNRWA and support a humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East.
Click on the following link to get a sample letter you can send to your elected officials
The United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee Board of Directors encourages you to consider forwarding a copy of this email and statement to additional interested parties, organizations, and your elected officials including Joe Biden, the President of the United States
Click on the following link and add your information to get the names and contact information for your elected officials.
Here is the email address for the President of the United States
Here is the street address for the President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
Telephone Comments for the President of the United States
Additional information and resources
Additional information and resources on the “Crisis in the Middle East” that is curated and updated daily by the Better World Campaign, a partner organization with the United Nations Association of the USA, can be found by clicking on the following link:
The Better World Campaign is the premier advocacy organization devoted to fostering a strong partnership between the United States and the United Nations – a vision that promotes core American interests and builds a more secure, prosperous, and healthy world. We encourage U.S. leadership to work hand-in-hand with the UN to tackle the world’s biggest issues by engaging policymakers and the American public to build support for the UN’s life-saving work.