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Waging Peace in Vietnam – U.S. Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War

The Marquette University Center for Peacemaking Presents

A Traveling Exhibit

Waging Peace in VietnamU.S. Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War

Promoting Healing and Reconciliation

April 2nd, 2024 – April 17th, 2024

Marquette University Raynor Memorial Library

1355 W. Wisconsin Avenue – Milwaukee, WI 53233

Free and Open to the Public

Community Sponsors:

Milwaukee Veterans For Peace, Peace Action of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice, & The United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee

Click on the following link for a preview of the exhibit.

“No one did more to bring an end to America's cruel and unjust war in Vietnam than the patriotic GIs and veterans who turned against it. This extraordinary history of their struggle should inspire all of us who seek to end the ongoing and interrelated threats of war, nuclear doomsday, and environmental catastrophe.” – Daniel Ellsberg

You are invited to visit the Marquette University Raynor Library Lobby to browse an exhibit titled "Dissent and Resistance Within the Military."  The exhibit will be on display from April 2nd, 2024 – April 17th, 2024

It features stories of eleven GIs and sparks discussion and teaching about patriotism and the power of individual and collective dissent to make societal change.

During the exhibit, the following two-panel discussions and one keynote address will be held.

Registration for these exhibit events is recommended.

Click on the following link to register for the following events and for more information.

Waging Peace in Vietnam Panel
Dissent and Resistance Within the Armed Forces
Wednesday – April 3rd, 2024 from Noon - 1 pm
Marquette University Alumni Memorial Union – Lunda Room
1442 W. Wisconsin Ave. – Milwaukee, WI

This special Soup with Substance panel will include: Susan Schnall, national president, Veterans for Peace; Ronald L. Haeberle, former Army photographer of the iconic My Lai Massacre photographs; David Cortright, Professor Emeritus and special advisor for policy, Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame. Author and editor of over 20 books including Waging Peace in Vietnam: U.S. Soldiers and Veterans who Opposed the War.  A light lunch of soup and bread will be provided.

Waging Peace in Vietnam Panel
A War Without End:  Healing the Legacies of the American War in Vietnam and Among American Veterans
Thursday –  April 4th, 2024 from12:30 – 1:45 pm
Marquette University Alumni Memorial Union –  Room 227
1442 W. Wisconsin Ave. – Milwaukee, WI

Panelists include: Ngo Xuan Hien, communications manager, Project RENEW; Chuck Searcy, co-founder and international advisor to Project RENEW; Heather Bowser, founder of Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance, advocacy for offspring of Vietnam Veterans exposed to Agent Orange. Light snacks will be provided.

Marquette University Peacemaker in Residence Le Ly Hayslip
A Vietnamese Woman's Journey from War to Peace
Monday – April 15th, 2024 from 4 - 5 pm – Raynor Library Beaumier Suites BC – 1355 W. Wisconsin Ave.

Le Ly Hayslip, Vietnamese-American author, philanthropist, peace activist, and speaker, will deliver the closing keynote address of the Waging Peace in Vietnam Exhibit at Marquette University.  She is the author of two memoirs:  When Heaven and Earth Changed Places and Child of War, Woman of Peace, which were adapted into the film Heaven & Earth, written and directed by Oliver Stone.  Since 1986, she has founded two charitable organizations: the East Meets West Foundation and the Global Village Foundation.

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