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The United Nations Needs Us and We Need the United Nations

The UNA of Greater Milwaukee & Peace Action Wisconsin invite you to a highly informative 30 minute presentation followed by time for questions and comments on

“The United Nations Needs Us and We Need the United Nations”


Jon Ward – A Retired U.S. Diplomat

Saturday – January 18th, 2025 from 10 AM – 11:30 AM
Free and Open to the Public

Attend in person at Zao MKE Church – 2319 E. Kenwood Blvd. – Milwaukee, WI in the 2nd Floor Conference Room
 Virtually Through the Following Zoom Link

The program will be facilitated by Steve Watrous, President of the UNA-GM, who will open with a Statement of Respect from the United Nations Association of Greater Milwaukee to the Milwaukee Native Nations.

Following Jon Ward’s presentation, the program will continue with:

  • An update on the planning for future 2025 monthly UNA-GM programs and activities

  • A time for announcements on community activities that support the mission of the United Nations Association of the United States

  • A description of the mission of the UNA-GM

  • Information about how to become a chapter member

  • Information about the process of expressing interest in becoming a member of the UNA-GM Board of Directors

With an introduction by Jack Murtaugh, Chairperson of the UNA-GM Program Planning Committee.

Jon Ward will speak on his experiences working with UN agencies in several countries, providing real-world examples of the role and contributions of the United Nations and its interactions with the U.S. government.

Jon Ward served at U.S. embassies and consulates in Saudi Arabia, Papua New Guinea, Iraq, Pakistan, India, and Brazil.  In Washington, he served as Director for South and Central Asia at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and as a Middle East

Foreign Policy Advisor in the Directorate of Strategic Plans and Policy with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  He later worked as the Executive Director of the Miami-Dade County International Trade Consortium, and Director of International Trade and Investment for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.

Jon was born in Menomonee Falls and raised in Kohler, Wisconsin.  Before joining the Foreign Service he worked as the Director of Distribution Operations for Briggs & Stratton and Director of Logistics for Batteries Plus.  He holds J.D., MBA, and BS degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is an Army veteran of Operation Desert Storm.

For more information, contact Jack Murtaugh at: or 414.418.2115 

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The 18th Annual Reclaim Armistice Day Program in Milwaukee

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